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Framed canvas

Transform a standard canvas into a special work of art

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Fulfilled from
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Production time
72-120 hours
Wholesale cost
From £17.00 *
Printing method
Available sizes
10x10” to 50x60”
SKU prefix

* Prices exclude taxes and shipping. Non-GBP prices are approximate based on current rates.

Our superior framed canvas prints feature a 38mm stretched canvas within a traditional picture frame. The simple addition of a wooden picture frame gives a completely different ‘look’ to your Giclée printed wall art; quite distinct to a standard print on demand canvas.

The thin frame sits approximately 5mm from the edge of the canvas helping to create a floating border. Our framed canvas prints are highly recommended for photography and statement images. 

All prints can be produced within 3-5 working days and dropshipped to any global location.

  • Superior float frame 
  • 38mm stretched canvas 
  • Choice of colours
Framed canvases are part of our Eco, Vegan, Trending, Moments, Sustainable wall art and Weddings collections.

Example products

These are our most popular framed canvases variants. Sign up for an account to browse our complete range, view pricing and get 50% off your first sample order.

SKU Size * Ships from
GLOBAL-FRA-CAN-12X18 305x457mm UK, EU, US, CA, MX, AU Get pricing
GLOBAL-FRA-CAN-28X40 711x1016mm UK, EU, US, CA, MX, AU Get pricing
GLOBAL-FRA-CAN-20X30 508x762mm UK, EU, US, CA, MX, AU Get pricing
GLOBAL-FRA-CAN-24X36 610x914mm UK, EU, US, CA, MX, AU Get pricing
GLOBAL-FRA-CAN-8X10 203x254mm UK, EU, US, CA, MX, AU Get pricing
* Products shipped from US/AU are sized to the nearest inch, and to the nearest cm elsewhere.


Canvas float frame specifications

  • Canvas float Black
  • Canvas float White
  • Canvas float Antique Gold
  • Canvas float Antique Silver
  • Canvas float Natural

Our canvas float frame is available in black, white, antique gold, antique silver and natural.

Prodigi framed canvas cross-section 12mm 5mm gap 53mm 38mm 12mm canvas
Depth from wall 53mm
Face width (frame) 12mm
Face width (gap) 5mm
Base width 32mm
Rebate depth 40mm

Materials and print technology

Printing method
Canvas, Wood

Minor material specifications may occur in different regions.

Our framed canvases are available with a choice of two canvas substrates.

Standard canvas 400gsm

Global product stamp

Our standard canvas is a finely textured artist-grade cotton substrate which consistently reproduces image details with outstanding clarity and detail. Our most popular canvas and superior to many more expensive branded alternatives.

Metallic canvas 440gsm

Our unique Metallic Canvas creates amazing effects that are unlike anything you’ve ever seen from a canvas print. The finish is silver metallic; created with a unique blend of pearlescent materials.

The material works brilliantly with both colour images — supporting a very wide colour gamut — as well as black and white. This is simply the highest quality pearlescent canvas available.

Eco credentials

  • Water-based inks icon

    Water-based inks

    Printed using water based inks.

  • Sustainabily sourced icon

    Sustainably sourced paper or wood

    From sustainable forests.

  • Local fulfilment icon

    Local fulfilment

    Local fulfilment reduces carbon emissions.

  • Vegan-friendly icon


    Contains no animal products.

Fulfilment & packaging

Framed canvases are part of our global print on demand range. Order using a single SKU and we automatically fulfil your order from the print lab nearest to your customer.

Global products are greener, faster and cheaper.

Global product stamp

White-label packaging

All our shipments are white-label. There is no Prodigi branding on the outer packaging or on any included paperwork.

Packaging types

Framed canvases are shipped in a range of packaging types depending on the size/variant or where the item is printed.

Double-walled cardboard box

When fulfilled from UK, EU, CA, AU

Rigid, double-wall corrugated cardboard boxes ensuring maximum protection.

Flat cardboard box

When fulfilled from US

Rigid, corrugated cardboard boxes made from recycled materials.

  • Cardboard box wallet style fold
  • Cardboard box corner

Sample pack

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